"It is not so much where you stand, but the direction you are going."
Climate Change Hysteria
the thing is: climate has always changed

'We shut down the world entirely, yet it had almost no impact [on climate],' says Bjorg Lomborg - watch his interview about reasonable solutions
In The Skeptical Environmentalist
Bjorn Lomborg challenges widely held beliefs that the global environment is progressively getting worse. Using statistical information from internationally recognized research institutes, Lomborg systematically examines a range of major environmental issues and documents that the global environment has actually improved. He supports his argument with over 2900 footnotes, allowing discerning readers to check his sources.

From Climate History
The first thing to note about the above graph is that CO2 lags behind temperature and, therefore, cannot possibly be driving temperature, another point that absolutely invalidates CO2-based global warming theory. Many scientists say that the lag is about 800 years. Still, a rigorous cross-functional statistical analysis (sliding the CO2 data back and forth relative to the temperature data, looking for the highest degree of correlation) by Dr. Jeffry Glassman (Link) gives 1073 years as the delay. The lag is believed to be related to the time constant for ocean mixing of deep ocean water with the surface. As the temperature increases and the oceans warm, CO2 is less soluble in water, and it bubbles into the atmosphere, increasing its concentration.
Another exceptionally noteworthy observation, and one devastating to CO2-based theory, is that when CO2 is near peak values, the temperature starts to drop. When CO2 is at minimum values, the temperature starts to rise. This is completely reversed from what would be expected if CO2 were driving temperature.
As a final observation, it would seem that in our very near (geologic time scale) future, we will be experiencing significant cooling, which will be much more difficult for humans to cope with than warming.
Check out more vital information on sea levels, CO2 on this page:

Check out the main Climate Change Hysteria page here

See more down on this page, but then check out the main Climate Hysteria page:
Check this page out - for insight on climate change
Spot the climate change propaganda
'...Another sign of propaganda is a constant raising of the threat. Here is a good example.
And humankind does not have long to act, according to a study in the journal Nature Geoscience. British and Australian scientists report that they calculated the pattern of temperature rises if immediate action is not taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The propaganda war was made necessary from the start because there was no scientific evidence for the claims of environmental collapse and human-caused global warming. Start with a lie, and you admit it when evidence exposes it, or continue the lie with ever-increasing deceptions. As Sir Walter Scott said, "What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."'
Read the whole article here:

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