Climate Hysteria
This, below, is a personal collection on the topic of climate change - the bane of our present existence. I will show a lot of discrepancies and questions that must be asked.
By the end of the slide show,
I will show how this global warming hysteria has nothing to do with the Earth and its climate, but the Elite's* ever increasing control over us.
Bear with me. Keep scrolling down.
*Elite = the people and their organizations that behind - and using - politicians control the globe's affairs; the people with the money who use their wealth for evil purposes
'We shut down the world entirely, yet it had almost no impact [on climate],' says Bjorg Lomborg.
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The more people know the truth, the sooner this insanity ends.
Scroll down to half way to read about CO2 -
you will be surprised
In ten thousand years the difference in temperature ranges less than 4! degrees.
In 140 years, this range is 1.32 degrees. If you examine the chart, there has been much warmer times in the long run (red), and the world is still here, with a new cycle.
Hardly enough to worry about.
The thing is, man is adaptable; this is how we have survived this long. Anyways, we should celebrate that it is warm right now - imagine what it would be like if we had a cold period... And that will come eventually.

Our children are used to influence us
Show them an Earth under water (but do not tell them that that may happen in 5000 years), and these children panic.
A nasty technique, but powerful. The Elite uses our children against us:
Pay now so they can have a future.
Very clever.
While the sea level, though rising somewhat, rises steadily. There has been no change for a long time.
Sea level rises 3 mm a year.
See more below

Global warming: why you should not worry - 5 min
Sea-level rise - is it cause for panic?
Look again at the above graph that shows sea-level rise. You can see that after the last ice age, about twelve thousand years ago, we have been in a warming period. The warming has slowed down significantly by today, but still going on. Nothing to do with us.
I find it curious that they can sell this to the public. The huge changes are before industrial us, so we had nothing to do with that, but the insignificant current changes - which is basically a flat line in the long term - is all because of us, humans? That does not make sense.

Sea Level Fraud At The Union Of Concerned Scientists - 8 min

Greenland is adding ice
One can readily see, that depending on where one might choose to perform a study of Greenland Ice, one could easily come up with any answer one might want. However, overall Greenland has been adding ice, contrary to many claims.
As a final comment on Earth's Climate History, there has been no
appreciable warming during the now nearly 20 years, referred to as the
"Pause" or "Hiatus", as measured by satellite, despite a significant
continued rise in CO2.
Yet, its glaciers are melting and there are lakes under the ice
But here is the bomb. It is due to geothermal activity - nothing to do with climate change. lol
See YouTube video documentary about the Antarctic and Greenland glaciers melting due to geothermal energy at 3min 30 min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptm3TutJBYc

Melting West Antarctica: Geothermal energy heats up glaciers - 7 min
A German-British research group has now been able to show that two of the fastest melting glaciers in the southern polar region lie on a heat source, the heat of which has nothing to do with climate change. Under the Thwaites and Pope glaciers in West Antarctica, a particularly hot earth crust ensures that their lowest ice layers melt and the glaciers flow very quickly into the sea as ice streams.
For 80% of Earth's history
there was no ice at the poles
In Earth's history, an Ice Age is defined as a period in time when there is ice at the poles, so we are currently in an Ice Age! There have been 5 ice ages in Earth's history, but for most of Earth's history there has been no ice at the poles, about 80% of it. This is corroborated by tropical fossils found at or near the poles, so ice at the poles is actually unusual in Earth's history. Most of us would not think we were in an Ice Age, and climate alarmists are constantly warning us of melting ice at the poles being disastrous, but that is Earth's more normal state!

The real story behind the famous starving polar-bear video reveals more manipulation

Geologist Informs UK Govt On Climate Change Lies ten years ago - just 15 min
All their argument about the future is founded on the many models. See how inaccurate they are. Weather, climate is very complex. Most do not even take into account clouds and water vapor (the biggest greenhouse effecting item - but nobody talks about that).
IPCC changes data to fit narrative

This is fraud. They got rid of the Medieval Warm Period to create the famous Hocky Stick chart.
Good question - people do not seem to realize this. What warming ended the several ice ages on Earth? Who caused it then? And if it was natural, what makes anybody think we can have such effect as humanity as nature?
What you are not told is that they do not really know if we had anything to do with it and if yes, only minimally. But the billions of dollars spent on things that, in the end, will make no difference is real.
You are welcome to save the images and share with your friends. Even the texts.
The more people know the truth, the sooner this insanity ends.
Better still, send them this site's link.
CO2 does not seem to follow temperature all that much, does it?
And yes, I say follow, not cause. They found that temperature comes first and that has an effect of CO2 levels - not the other way around. This is not mentioned in the topic either. Wonder why. Not.
The point is
The point is exactly this. Global cooling did not prove right, so let's change it to global warming. This did not work either, so let's change it to climate change...
The Sun and temperature
How is it that people believe that an insignificant trace gas is responsible for global warming, but does not even question that maybe it is the Sun.
So why is the temperature not following the rise in CO2 at present? Somebody answer me.
CO2 and warming
If indeed CO2 is mainly responsible for the warming, then how is it possible to have a downward trend between 1940 and 1980 - when we really started to create CO2? Somebody answer.
CO2 lags temperature - what does it mean?
When the Earth comes out of an ice age, the warming is not initiated by CO2 but by changes in the Earth's orbit. The warming causes the oceans to give up CO2. The CO2 amplifies the warming and mixes through the atmosphere, spreading warming throughout the planet. So CO2 causes warming AND rising temperature causes CO2 rise.

Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax - 30 min

Watch Bill Whittle's climate change video - just 10 min
This above alone boggles the mind. If someone looks at this graph and considers climate on historic scale, they have to see that this is a natural phenomenon.
This is just brilliant - no comment.
Once again, this is where we are at the moment, another warm period. And this period is not as warm as some before. Look at what this suggests... much much colder times are in store for the future. They will be crying for warm weather like ours. Do you think we will not adapt? Of course we will.
One has to look at the big picture to understand that there is no 'climate emergency'. It is a ploy.
This is what scaremongering looks like.
The media jumps on every scare train. It sells papers.
Do not believe the media - you should start asking questions when media agrees with politics, big corporations, science. Media should be asking the questions.
You are welcome to save the images and share with your friends. Even the texts.
The more people know the truth, the sooner this insanity ends.
Better still, send them this site's link.
Let's talk about CO2
Did you know that CO2 is plant food?
No CO2, no plants.
Did you know that plant death starts below 200 ppm (parts per million)?
Well, thank goodness, now we have 413 ppm.
Did you know how much the CO2 level was before we started to add to the atmosphere? About 280 ppm. Just above the plant death line. Think what this means.
The level of CO2 has been rising for the last 6000 years, although it was going down for 160 million years. The surplus of CO2 that we emitted, just made our world safer, safe from plant death. But, they could use more - the more CO2, the more plants grow, which shows in a greening world in the latest decades, 10-30 percent.
The point is though that
and look what every government is in the business now - instead of creating more, they want us to stop creating any.
CO2 was simply chosen as the devil, the perfect taxable thing as we produce it by breathing. The Sun, clouds, water vapor cannot be taxed.
This chart should really bring home how insignificant is man-made CO2 is compared to all, natural CO2 and the atmosphere itself.
Cannot ask enough:
How is it that the man-made 3.4% of all emitted CO2 is responsible for the warming and not the 96.6% natural CO2? if it is true that CO2 is the drive...but let's have a look at the next chart.

World In Midst of Carbon Drought (Prof. William Happer, Princeton University)

from Climate History
Let us take a look over geologic time and see what history tells us.
Above is a graph showing estimates of Earth's Temperature in blue and
atmospheric CO2 in black, plotted over time, from about 600 million
years ago to the present. Several significant, pertinent
observations stand out immediately.
1. First of all, during the Cambrian Period, CO2 reached 7,000 ppm, though Ian Plimer in "Heaven and Earth" says 8,000 ppm. That is about 20 times the present level of 400 ppm. Today one hears that we are at the "tipping point", the "point of no return", and that further increase in CO2 will destroy life on Earth! What happened historically at this very "lofty" level? Life exploded with a more rapid evolution and differentiation of species than had ever occurred before or since! There was no thermal runaway; oceans did not boil away. CO2 at this level was exceedingly beneficial to life.
2. A second point to note is that there is no correlation of Temperature with CO2. It is not possible, based on this data, that CO2 could be driving Temperature. History thus destroys any validity of CO2-based global warming theory.
3. A third point to note, and extremely crucial to be aware of, is that today we are at an historic low in atmospheric CO2, and as will be shown, this is an extremely dangerous condition, that threatens the continued existence of life! At 400 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere, the Earth is starved for CO2. Many people would be very surprised to hear that the CO2 danger is with its being too low, rather than too high, the complete opposite of what people have been led to believe! If CO2 were to drop another 2 ½ times, photosynthesis begins to shut down. Don't take our word for it: Below is an image of rice plants grown in an atmosphere with different levels of CO2. If CO2 were to drop much below 200 ppm, it is clear that growth becomes stunted. CO2 is not a pollutant, but absolutely essential to life.

And this is the BIG ONE
You are not told this for a reason.
Let's run this again:
the MORE CO2, the LESS warming effect it has, exponentially.
It is like painting your door red. Putting on the second coating would help to make it redder. But any more coating would be wasted as it will not make the door any more red.
This is why the temperature does not follow the rise of CO2 anymore.
alone should be the end of the witch hunt against CO2. But this will
not happen if people do not do their research and just accept what they
are told, especially the carbon taxes. As if those would make any
difference. In that there is no need to make any difference. What we
need is more CO2 so that the Earth would green more, and the yields
would further grow, thanks to the added CO2. See chart below.

The keyword here is that CO2 FOLLOWS temperature - therefore it cannot drive climate change; rather temperature drives CO2 rise or falls in the long run.
Nearly 140 Scientific Papers Detail The Minuscule Effect CO2 Has On Earth’s Temperature
The above is very important. CO2 FOLLOWS temperature, not the other way around as you were told.
You are welcome to save the images and share with your friends. Even the texts.
The more people know the truth, the sooner this insanity ends.
Better still, send them this site's link.
Green Murder

It has never been shown that human emissions of the gas of life drive global warming. Large bodies of science that don't fit the narrative have been ignored by IPCC, COP and self-interested scientists paid by taxpayers. A huge subsidised industry of intermittent unreliable wind and solar electricity has been created based on unsubstantiated science. The same hucksters now want subsidised hydrogen, costly inefficient EVs, subsidised mega-batteries and other horribly expensive tried and failed schemes to impoverish people, create unemployment, transfer wealth and enrich China. Germany, Texas, California and the UK had a glimpse of Net Zero with blackouts, astronomically high electricity costs and hundreds of deaths. We once had reliable cheap electricity and now that governments have gone green, we are heading for hard economic times.
In this book I charge the greens with murder. They murder humans who are kept in eternal poverty without coal-fired electricity. They support slavery and early deaths of black child miners. They murder forests and their wildlife by clear felling for mining and wind turbines. They murder forests and wildlife with their bushfire policies. They murder economies producing unemployment, hopelessness, collapse of communities, disrupted social cohesion and suicide.
They murder free speech and freedoms and their takeover of the education system has ended up in the murdering of the intellectual and economic future of young people. They terrify children into mental illness with their apocalyptic death cult lies and exaggerations. They try to divide a nation. They are hypocrites and such angry ignorant people should never touch other people's money.
The greens are guilty of murder. The sentence is life with no parole in a cave in the bush enjoying the benefits of Net Zero.
Using children
Do you really think this child would be allowed anywhere near the Elite's circles, appear on big-name magazines if she were not a puppet but one that really openly questions the establishment?
If you believe that, you really need to wake up.
This is a show. Unfortunately, it worked very well. Look at how children all over the world were ready to follow her on strike. They gave crying speeches about how we all will die, based on scant evidence.
But this is not their fault. It is the adult world that does not do its homework and listen to both sides. These children need direction; we do not need to be directed by them.
In the meanwhile children are being indoctrinated by their own schools. This is now nationwide propaganda so that this generation will never question it.
One way to spot climate propaganda

Mistrust a story the minute it attempts to play on your guilt or emotions. Invariably, it makes you guilty because the children are going to die, some element of the planetary system is collapsing, animals are going extinct, forests are in decline, and coral reefs are dying. Of course, they always distort the animal extinction issue. I would explain to audiences that many animals are thriving because of human activity: pigeons, snakes, coyotes, rats. I then pause and ask if I have mentioned any they like yet? The bias is to furry, round-eyed, creatures like polar bears and koala bears. More new species are found every day than go extinct in 50 years.
Find the whole article here: https://www.technocracy.news/dr-tim-ball-seven-ways-to-spot-climate-change-propaganda/
It is true: the more you repeat something, the more people believe it. Say it enough times that there is scientific consensus - as if science worked by 'consensus' -, and the public will not question it. But they should, look at the real numbers of that famous survey. You were simply lied to.
For the image on the left, Facebook fact checked me saying it is fake.
I checked it out as you can, that Lithium mines look very much the same, and the oil sand site in Alberta really looks like this. So, the point remains. Which looks environmentally more friendly?
The ever praised wind mills spreading everywhere is very much questionable solution. Look at the figures.

How to Destroy the Climate Change Hoax - 1 hour

'You will own nothing, and you will be happy' -the chilling explanation will blow your mind - this is what the elite wants

is becoming policy - check out USA and UK.

Karl Marx, German, never worked an hour in his life, and he lived off his rich friend's family's money. And this man's ideas are spreading all over western Europe, again, its institutions and education system. Have you guys not studied what happened to Europe's socialist countries? Talk to someone from there; you will not want to end up their past. Especially, that today's neo Marxists no longer propagate to help the working class.

10 reasons not to believe climate change criers | Liz Wheeler
His assassination happened just before he was going to sign the bill against the Federal Reserve.

Princeton's William Happer rebuts myth of carbon pollution

Tony Heller - group of Iowa academics just released their latest climate prophecies. In this video he looks at their unsupportable claims, which are the exact opposite of historical trends.